Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Is Your Desire?

Everything man creates or acquires begins in the form of DESIRE.

In order to act we must have a purpose or goal. No matter what that final purpose or goal is you need to embrace a burning desire for that end-goal. Many of us think we want to be rich and successful, but then don't back it up with an intense burning DESIRE to do such. We must have an intense drive to cultivate our DESIRES. Yes, I said cultivate, just as you would your crops. Feed your DESIRE with thoughts of yourself enjoying whatever it is you seek. Water your DESIRE with a Positive Mental Attitude that will fight the drought of nay-sayers you will run into during your quest. Keep your momentum strong to endure the dark hours of your trek. So many people have quit when they were inches from achieving their goal. Remember, its always darkest before the dawn.

The secret to action is a boiling-red-hot DESIRE!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Definiteness of Purpose

Definiteness of Purpose is the beginning point for all achievements. We all have wants and goals in life but few of us actually achieve these goals. Why? I'm glad you asked.. in my humble opinion its Definiteness of Purpose. Lets look at some key steps:

1. Define what is you want
2. Find out how to get it
3. Take daily action toward your goal

Three simple steps... but quite a few of us can't get past step one. We all know what we want, but often fail to realize how to accomplish our goals. When we do make it past step two, often we don't commit to daily action. I have heard this a thousand times "..insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

So make your mind up today what it is you want, game plan on how to get it, and take daily action to accomplish it!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mindset - PMA

I had a late night last night focusing on where my life is and where I want to take it. This segued perfectly into my next topic:


The Almighty has gifted everyone of us with a mind that has infinite power if we apply it correctly. When I say mindset, I am referring to a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). It has been scientifically proven that our brains transmit energy. This brainwave energy attracts what you send out. To put it simply, 'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.' First and foremost before I get into more detail, I must give credit where credit is due. These ideas are not mine, as they have been around for years. I am just a vessel that's trying to share this with as many people as I can.

Have you ever heard the term "opposites attract", well that's just not true. Let me use this as an example. Hang around "broke" people for awhile and see what they talk about.. they talk about "broke" things. I italicized broke because, I am not just talking bout money when I say broke. People can be broke financially, morally, spiritually and so on. Now hang around "wealthy" people and I can guarantee you that they speak about "wealthy" things and becoming more "wealthy".

PMA starts within ones self. If you think you can or cant you are correct. You must keep a PMA about life and all of its situations. Remember, people or events don't make you happy or angry... it is you who decides how to react to whatever circumstances come your way. This is not an easy task and requires training of the mind. How is this accomplished you might ask. Well I am no expert, but I do rely on experts. Read, my brothas and sistas, read... I would suggest you start with the foundation (in my humble opinion) of all PMA books. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

I could write pages on this topic, but I just wanted to wet your whistle for more.. I will leave you with a quote...

"Your mental attitude is the medium by which you can balance your life and your relationship to people and circumstances - to attract what you desire."... Napoleon Hill

Friday, July 31, 2009

What is your why?

Interesting title huh? What is your WHY? This simple questions needs to be pondered by us all. If you have started a business the simple answer to the aforementioned question is quite easy... to make money. But lets look a little deeper. WHY do you want to make money? What would that money mean to you?

Are you beginning to see my point? When you make a decision to do something, you must focus on WHY you are doing this activity. Ok, Im beginning to get deep here so lets look at this example:

I started my business to make money. Ok we all agree on that. But WHY do I want to make this money and what would that money do for me. "I am a multi-millionaire who spends time with his family and gives millions away to various charities of my choosing" (this statement is also about mindset, which I will get to in my next blog). The WHY this statement is I want to give millions away, not becoming a millionaire. Are you following me?

Focus on your WHY...
Write your WHY down and look at it every day...
Repeat your WHY to yourself at least 10 times a day for one minute each time.

You must not let that WHY get away. Your WHY must be a burning desire within you. Once you obtain that raging desire within, there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

Just in case your wondering, David's WHY is to have to freedom to spend as much time with my family as I choose.

Never lose track of your WHY...


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Closing Questions for networkers

Below is something I have read numerous times and have implemented with great success:

Helping someone get involved in your network marketing business requires skill. Like any skill, it needs to be practiced. Below is a method that many successful network marketers have used with great success:

After sharing your opportunity with your prospect, ask them a leading question like:

"What part of the presentation made the most sense to you?" or "What interested you the most?"

The answer truly doesn't matter. No matter what your prospect says, you follow up with "Great! Let me ask you a few questions."

If they say, "The money."
You respond with , "Great! Let me ask you a few questions."

If they say, "The products."
You respond with, "Great! Let me ask you a few questions."

Here are the four closing question to ask:

1. Based on everything you've seen today, if you were to get started on a part-time basis, how much money would you like to make on a monthly basis?

2. How many hours are you willing to put in to achieve your goal? (answer from #1)

3. How many months are you willing to commit to your business to achieve your goal? (answer from #1)

4. If I could show you how to make (answer from #1) in monthly income, working (answer from #2) hours per week over the next (answer from #3) months, is there anything else you would need to know before you got started?

At this point, your prospect should answer with "show me your plan" or "I'm ready to get started". Either way your next step should be showing your prospect how they achieve their goal within your opportunity.

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