Friday, July 31, 2009

What is your why?

Interesting title huh? What is your WHY? This simple questions needs to be pondered by us all. If you have started a business the simple answer to the aforementioned question is quite easy... to make money. But lets look a little deeper. WHY do you want to make money? What would that money mean to you?

Are you beginning to see my point? When you make a decision to do something, you must focus on WHY you are doing this activity. Ok, Im beginning to get deep here so lets look at this example:

I started my business to make money. Ok we all agree on that. But WHY do I want to make this money and what would that money do for me. "I am a multi-millionaire who spends time with his family and gives millions away to various charities of my choosing" (this statement is also about mindset, which I will get to in my next blog). The WHY this statement is I want to give millions away, not becoming a millionaire. Are you following me?

Focus on your WHY...
Write your WHY down and look at it every day...
Repeat your WHY to yourself at least 10 times a day for one minute each time.

You must not let that WHY get away. Your WHY must be a burning desire within you. Once you obtain that raging desire within, there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

Just in case your wondering, David's WHY is to have to freedom to spend as much time with my family as I choose.

Never lose track of your WHY...


1 comment:

  1. This is so important to have a 'Why'... I think when that Why is in place, all the other things just suddenly make sense and you don't fight it. My concept is always that its about leaving a legacy... and, if I'm leaving a legacy, I'm also enjoying life, too. Truly an awesome site. Much success.
